Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Being Adventurous..

     This past weekend was a nice 4 day weekend for me, and it was very much appreciated.  I was able to relax and catch up on some things that I had been putting off, simply because I could not find the time to get everything completed. However, I was able to take a little break from life, and took Sunday to be adventurous; Ashley (my sister) and I took off to St. Augustine. I had never been there before and I must say it was pretty interesting, I really enjoyed the history. We was able to learn new facts, and we ate some amazing food ( we are foodies). We took the day to clear our heads and enjoy life for what it really is.
     I have decided that I need more weekends like this and I need to enjoy the time that I have. Stress, bills, and everything else will always be around for me to focus on, but there might be a time where I will not be able to travel. So, with that being said I believe it is time for me to renew my passport, and start traveling as much as I can.  Italy, France, and England is already checked off my list, therefore, I think it is time to plan a trip to Spain.

Are you adventurous? 


  1. Chelsy, this is such a refreshing post. I have lived in Florida for 11 years and I still haven't been to St. Augustine! I really want to go soon. Your pictures are beautiful. I agree that we sometimes need an escape. I went to Daytona Beach last weekend with my mom. To say the least, this has been a rough few months for me. It was nice to get away for a few days and relax. No matter how much stress and responsibilities we have on our plate, adventure is always necessary. It is almost always a good decision to get away from reality every once in a while.

  2. I spend the weekend in St. Augustine too! I grew up around there so I am there every few months. I do believe in traveling. I keep my Saturdays open for weekend jaunts, but I love your plan for a trip to Spain!

  3. I spend the weekend in St. Augustine too! I grew up around there so I am there every few months. I do believe in traveling. I keep my Saturdays open for weekend jaunts, but I love your plan for a trip to Spain!

  4. I love going up to St. Augustine. Its always a fun trip and there is always something to do. You should go to this winery that I wen to last time I was up there! Who knew wine could be grown in Florida, but it turned out to be some pretty good wine.
    Your plans on going to Spain sound awesome! I went when I was a little younger and stayed in Salamanca for a few weeks, but I have to say everywhere I went in Spain was beautiful. That's crazy you already went to Britain, Italy, and France. I've been wanting to go to those places forever.

  5. I don't know why that doesn't have my name but it's Embree.
